Wednesday, 26 December 2012


10.Diamond-Encrusted Custom Nikes


Encrusted with a string of chocolate-colored diamonds of 11 carats along the edge, this Custom Nikes edition claims to be the fame of your feet. Among the fancy and fashion accessories to not only cover but also decorate your feet, this exclusive launch of Nikes costs $50,000. 

9. Nizam Sikandar Jah Slippers: 


With sparkles of rubies and dazzles of diamonds, the slippers of Nizam Sikandar Jah the Indian prince of Hyderabad were the symbol of royalty in the eighteen century. In 2006, these diamond slippers (costing around $160,000) were robbed from the Bata Shoe Museum in Toronto, Canada.

8. Stuart Weitzman’s “Diamond Dream” Stilettos: 


Stuart Weitzman shoe designer joined hands with jeweler Kwiat to make his dream of diamond shoes come true as Stilettos. With 1,420 well-cut Kwiat colorless diamonds set in platinum, the shoes cost an obscene amount of $500,000. At the 2007 Oscars, Anika Noni made all turn their eyes at her steps in “Diamond Dream” on the red carpet 

7. Ruby Slippers from Wizard of Oz


With bugle beads, glass rhinestones and three large red glass jewels in silver settings, Ruby Slippers matches with the most exclusive designer outfit. Wearing these shoes makes your mighty presence felt in parties of highly aristocratic society. It was auctioned for $666,000 in 2000. 

6. Stuart Weitzman Shoes Retro Rose” Pumps: 


Fixed to dusty gold high heels as in the 1940s, Retro Rose features its elegant embellishment. The delicate design of these shoes dazzles with 100 carats of 1,800 Kwiat diamonds. Stuart Weitzman has selected Diablo Cody to set the red carpet of the 2008 Oscar on fire with his one million dollar creation. 

5. Stuart Weitzman “Platinum Guild” Stilettos: 


These strappy stilettos by Stuart Weitzman flaunt 464 Kwiat round and pear shaped diamonds in its platinum make. Laura Harring was the first Cinderella of the designer to display his diamond wonder at the 2002 Oscar Academy Awards. Tagged at $1,090,000, it enhanced her star appearance by multiple times. 

4. Stuart Weitzman Shoes “Ruby Slippers”: 


With 642 oval and round rubies in its possession, Ruby Slippers are designed by Stuart Weitzman to adorn the feet of celebrities from the top of economic heap. With the shine of rubies set in pure platinum, these red satin stilettos claim to be a $1,600,000 craze with well-heeled fashion flaunters. 

3. Stuart Weitzman Shoes Tanzanite Heels: 

Stuart Weitzman collaborated with Le Vian to turn up with two million dollars Tanzanite Heels. These astonishing shoes steal the show with 28 carats of diamonds and well cut 185 carats of quality tanzanite. Encrusted with 595 carats of Kwiat diamonds on platinum, the 4½ inch heels are the most spectacular part of these stilettos. 

2. Rita Hayworth Heels


The most creative of the creations and the most delicate of the designs by Stuart Weitzman, Rita Hayworth Heels flaunts sapphires, rubies and diamonds in its make. Movie legend Rita Hayworth’s a pair of earrings laden with precious jewels are the making of these $3 million satin open toe stilettos. 

1. Wizard of OZ Ruby Slippers: 


Ruby Slippers the most spectacular and splendid slippers in the world are the most accomplished achievement of Ronald Winston, the reputed designer of the House of Harry Winston. The delicacy and beauty of design with 4,600 rubies of 1,350 carats in the make of the shoes leaves the viewers breathless to have a glimpse of them. This $3 million singular creation has adorned the graceful feet of Judy Garland. 
sumber : 

Tuesday, 4 December 2012


RESIPI ( bulk recipe, lebih boleh simpan dalam fridge )

500ml susu UHT ( I use dutchlady)
Setengah buku butter
12 keping cheddar cheese
3 sudu besar tepung gandum
2 sudu kecil serbuk pati ayam
lada sulah, lada hitam, perasa & pewarna kuning secukupnya

Cara-cara :

Cairkan butter di atas api kecil menggunakan non stick pan

Masukkan susu dan tepung gandum. Kacau sampai tidak berketul.

Masukkan cheese, pati ayam, lada sulah, lada hitam dan pewarna. Kacau sampai likat. 

Kalau agak-agak pekat sangat, tambahlah air sikit. Apabila mendidih, tutup api.

Siap untuk dihidang.  :-)

p/s : boleh digunakan untuk wedges, hashbrown, nugget dan sebagainya.



  • Mengelakkan osteoporosis + hipertensi + kanser kolon. Kita tidak akan mendapat vitamin tambahan + kalsium tanpa meminum susu
  • Meminum susu juga boleh melindungi kita dari kerosakan gigi + masalah kaviti. Kita harus memberi jaminan kepada anak2 tentang kerosakan gigi dengan menawarkan mereka segelas susu coklat. Tidak ada rekod kerosakan gigi kerana minum susu dengan perisa coklat
  • Lemak susu tidak memberi apa2 kesan kepada kegemukan sebaliknya terbukti bahawa mereka yang kerap minum susu menjadikan badan lebih langsing daripada mereka yang tidak mengambilnya. Susu memberikan kita banyak vitamin dan mineral untuk memastikan sentiasa sihat dan cergas
  • Susu adalah anti-asid yang sangat baik. Minum segelas susu apabila mengalami pedih ulu hati boleh menenangkan paip makanan dari keradangan. Minum susu tetap akan mencegah ulser perut dan masalah perut yang lain
  • Minum banyak susu dapat menghasilkan kekuatan pada tulang + gigi + kuku + rambut, kerana ia sarat dengan kalsium yang membantu badan menjadi kuat dan fleksibel
  • Susu boleh menjadi pembuka baik perut terutama jika lewat makan. Meminum susu juga boleh bertindak sebagai perangsang yang awal
  • Meminum segelas susu panas sebelum tidur dapat menenangkan saraf dan melonggarkan otot2 tegang supaya dapat memberi tidur yang lebih cepat. Cara ini dapat membantu selepas seharian penat bekerja
  • Minum susu boleh menyejukkan badan dan mengekalkan tahap air atau cecair dalam badan kita. Penggunaan susu selepas latihan berat badan boleh mengisi sistem dengan cecair badan yang hilang semasa senaman
  • Secara drastik susu juga dapat mengurangkan gejala PMS (Pre-Menstrual Syndrome) kerana ia merupakan pelega atau penenang tekanan yang hebat dan juga meningkatkan tahap tenaga dalam kita 
  • Susu penuh dengan nutrien. Badan kita memerlukan nutiren untuk beroperasi dengan betul. Ia mengandungi vitamin (untuk sel-sel darah merah) + kalsium (untuk tulang yang kuat) + karbohidrat (tenaga) + magnesium (untuk lentur otot) + fosforus (untuk mengambil kesempatan tenaga) + kalium (baik untuk sistem saraf) + protein (untuk proses pertumbuhan dan penyembuhan) + riboflavin (untuk kulit sihat dan berseri) + zink (untuk meningkatkan sistem imun)

Sumber :


The secret to losing weight isn't just watching what’s on your plate; it’s also about watching what’s in your glass. Popular soft drinks, fruit juices, and energy drinks can be loaded with added sugars and carbohydrates that can sabotage your weight-loss strategy. Here are five tasty ways to drink up without packing on the pounds.
1. Water
We all know this one, but it’s important to remember that water is the single best choice for effective weight loss. Whether it’s still or sparkling, aim to make water your go-to beverage choice. Think water is boring? Try adding fresh lemon slices, lime, cucumber, and even a slice of tomato to add flavor without adding many calories.
2. Vegetable juice
Whether in a can, bottled, or homemade, vegetable juice is an excellent way to get the fiber and nutrients your body needs to fuel your weight loss. If you can find a low-sodium variety, even better. The veggies will keep you fuller longer and the tangy flavor will keep your taste buds happy.
3. Unsweetened tea
Green tea has been proven to help boost metabolism and speed up weight loss. Try it hot or iced with a bit of honey for a low-sugar sweet drink. Don’t forget black and oolong teas, too! Both are filled with antioxidants, which can help rid your body of toxins.
4. Black coffee
A morning cup of joe or an afternoon iced coffee can help spur your weight loss by providing a boost of caffeine that suppresses hunger. Also, coffee has been shown to stimulate thermogenesis, which heats up the body and boosts metabolism. Just be careful about what you add to your coffee — stick to skim milk and very little sugar.
5. Skim milk
Milk is an excellent source of lean protein, vitamin D, and calcium that can help build your muscles and keep your bones strong. Opt for low-fat or skim milk for all of the vitamins without the added fat. If you are feeling indulgent, add a little chocolate — low-fat chocolate milk is a great option for post-workout muscle recovery.
Source :


In very exciting news on Monday out of London, Buckingham Palace announced that Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge and the wife of Prince William, is pregnant with the couple's first child.

Over the past few months, there has been an endless amount of speculation as to whether Kate and William could be expecting a bundle of joy, and now the news is confirmed on the couple's official website. But what will they name the baby? If female, could the baby be named Diana? And will she succeed William as the Queen of England?

It's official: Kate Middleton is pregnant

Though many hope that the royal couple might choose the first name Diana as a tribute to William's late beloved mother, it's unlikely, Robert Lacey, author of the Queen Elizabeth biography Majesty, told Good Morning America. "But you're very likely to see Diana in one of the middle names. You might very likely get Elizabeth Diana something. It shows the bravery with which he's kept his mother's memory alive, right down to the ring on Kate's finger."
Royal family expert and journalist Victoria Arbiter suggests Diana's middle name as another possible middle name. "They may certainly use Diana or indeed Diana's middle name, which was Frances, as a middle name for their child, but I don't think they would use her name as a first name," she told Yahoo! Shine. "Too much history and pressure associated with the name, but I'm sure William would like to honor his mother if it feels right."
Pamela Satran of Nameberry, a baby name guide, agrees that Diana and Elizabeth are both strong middle name contenders. As for first names, she told Yahoo! Shine: "Our top picks for first name for a girl are Charlotte, a nod to both Prince Charles and Carole Middleton, or Victoria, after the famous 19th century queen. For a boy, we pick Arthur or George. Arthur was the famous King of the Knights of the Roundtable, and is a middle name of both William and Charles. George was Queen Elizabeth's grandfather and king during the first World War." 

Princess Diana with baby William.
Royals are usually given four names or more, in recognition of family members, saints, or past rulers. Prince William's full name is William Philip Arthur Louis. If the baby is a boy, Philip, after William's grandfather, or Charles, or even Harry could be options.

Since their wedding in April 2011, Will and Kate have brought interest in the royal family to new levels, partially because of Kate's status as a commoner (not descended from royal blood). One might even expect that the couple could give the child a Middleton family name to acknowledge Kate's background. Her parents are named Carole and Michael and of course there's Kate's sister Pippa, short for Philippa. If Middleton wanted to go further back, a paternal great grandmother was named Olive, which is back in fashion.

As for the line of succession, William follows his father Prince Charles in line to the throne. Thanks tonew Cabinet rules as of September, Kate and William's child will succeed William whatever its gender. In other words, if the royal baby is a girl, she will eventually succeed William to become the Queen of England, even if the couple's second child is a boy. The 'spare heir,' Prince Harry, has now been bumped down to fourth place in the line of succession.

The child is both Prince Charles' and the Middletons' first grandchild. If the baby is born while Queen Elizabeth still sits on the throne, it will be the first time in 120 years that a reigning monarch will meet a great-grandchild in the direct line to succession.

The royal wedding.

Kate and William are known officially as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. According to the Letters Patent of 1917 introduced by King George V, their eldest child will be known as His or Her Royal Highness the Prince or Princess of Cambridge with any other children receiving the title of Lord or Lady until the Queen's death-at which point all of their children would receive the title Prince or Princess of Cambridge.

Congratulations are certainly in order for the royal couple, whose pregnancy symbolizes the continuation of the monarchy. Unfortunately, get-well wishes for Kate are also needed. According to the royal couple's website, Kate was admitted to the hospital on Monday afternoon with Hyperemesis Gravidarium, a severe form of morning sickness, hence the reason for the announcement. 

Source :

Tuesday, 27 November 2012


     Modern Toilet is the name of one of the restaurant in Taipei, Taiwan with a modern decor and a full-toilet theme. The seats are made from toilet bowls and not any ordinary chairs we seen in restaurants. 

    The menu serves also pictures the name of the restaurant. They have ice cream that is serves in toilet-like bowl and the ice cream look like a poop. The food are serve in a bathtub-like bowl or toilet like bowl and what makes the food unique is the decoration of the food have the feel of the toilet.  The serving even really gross to look at, but in Taipei this restaurant is very popular.


Saturday, 24 November 2012


Koleksi bas yang unik ini hanya boleh didapati di Jepun. Bas ini adalah khas untuk pelajar sekolah sahaja. Mari lihat apa yang menarik..


Kalaulah ada bas macam ni di Malaysia, mesti ramai pelajar terutamanya pelajar tadika/pra-sekolah dan pelajar sekolah rendah bersemangat nak pergi sekolah.



Seringkali kita mendengar di kuliah-kuliah ataupun ceramah-ceramah agama tentang ayat di atas yang membawa maksud "Jika kamu hendak menghitung nikmat Allah, nescaya kamu tidak mampu menghitungnya". Terlalu besar nikmat yang Allah beri pada hamba-hambaNya. Tetapi apakah dengan nikmat itu dapat membawa insan kepada sebuah kehidupan yang tenang dan bahagia? BELUM TENTU!


  Sultan Brunei, Sultan Hasanal Bolkiah yang merupakan sultan kedua terkaya di dunia dengan kekayaan berjumlah RM 65 billion dan setiap hari kekayaan itu akan meningkat. Selain itu, beliau juga amat gemar mengumpul kereta-kereta mewah dan sehingga kini koleksi kereta beliau melebihi 7000 buah kereta. Tuanku Sultan juga memilki jet peribadi mewah, beberapa istana megah dan banyak lagi. Sangat luar biasa!

Baru-baru ini kita dikhabarkan berita gembira dari Negara Brunei yang Sultan Hasanal Bolkiah akan melaksanakan hukum hudud di negaranya. Allah tidak hanya memberi nikmat kekayaan kepadanya, bahkan Allah mengurniakan nikmat IMAN dan ISLAM. Mudah-mudahan Tuanku Sultan berada di bawah rahmat dan redha Allah s.w.t. Allahuakbar!!!

Subhanallah, andai kata segala kekayaan ini untuk Islam, saya rasa ummat Islam di Palestin, Afrika, Bosnia dan di mana-mana sahaja pasti lebih bermanfaat.

Tanpa memanjangkan kalam, jom kita ziarah Istana Sultan Brunei ini yang diberi nama Istana Nurul Iman yang hampir keseluruhannya bersalut EMAS!

Istana tersebut memiliki 650 'suite room' yang setiap satunya dilengkapi perabot yang bersalut emas dan bertatahkan berlian yang harganya hampir RM 600,000. Layan je lah gambar2 di bawah ni...

Baginda memiliki 7,000 buah kereta berprestasi tinggi dengan anggaran harga keseluruhan mencecah AS$5 bilion (RM15.9 bilion).

Menurut akhbar Daily Mirror, setakat 30 Jun 2010, beliau memiliki 604 buah Rolls Royce, 574 Mercedes-Benze, 452 Ferrari, 382 Bentley, 209 BMW, 179 Jaguar, 134 Koenigsegg, 21 Lamborghini, 11 Aston Martin dan sebuah SSC.

Koleksi penuh kereta itu disimpan dan diselenggarakan di lima buah hangar pesawat yang lokasinya dirahsiakan.

Baginda juga memiliki barangan peribadi dan perabot bersalut emas dan berlian.

Baginda juga memiliki pesawat peribadi yang dilengkapi perabot dari EMAS!

Singki pun bersalut emas!
Kekayaan Sultan Hasanal Bolkiah sangat luar biasa! Mungkin kerana berkat negara yang mengamalkan undang-undang Allah s.w.t. Semoga Allah merahmati Negara Brunei.