Tuesday 17 December 2013


Sekarang di laman sosial, masing-masing sibuk memperkatakan tentang fenomena salji yang berlaku di Mesir. Malah ada yang mengatakan bahawa salji yang turun di Mesir ini adalah tanda-tanda kiamat.
Kecoh diperkatakan di sana-sini tentang kesahihan perkara ini.
Saya hanya ingin berkongsi dapatan saya memandangkan ramai yang sedang mempersoalkan hal ini.

Telah diriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah r.a bahawa Rasulullah S.A.W pernah bersabda :
 "Kiamat tidak akan bermula sehingga tanah Arab sekali lagi akan menjadi padang rumput dan sungai. " 
[Riwayat Muslim (157)]

Ini merupakan penjelasan Dr. MAZA berkenaan salji di Mesir

Maklumat berkenaan Jazirah Arab dan Mesir

Ramai yang menyebarkan maklumat tanpa membuat kajian dan bertanya kepada mereka yang lebih arif. 

Sedarkah kalian sebenarnya telah banyak tanda-tanda kecil kiamat yang telah dan sedang berlaku.

Salji yang berlaku di Mesir adalah rahmat daripada ALLAH SWT. Sepatutnya kita sebagai hamba mengagumi kuasa ALLAH dan mensyukuri segala nikmat yang diberikan.

Berikut merupakan blog yang menceritkan tentang tumbuhnya hutan di Tanah Arab.

(Apa yang telah saya sampaikan melalui kajian internet, usrah/perbincangan, pertanyaan drpd ilmuan. Jika maklumat yang saya berikan adalah salah, saya mohon maaf terlebih dahulu.
Mohon perbetulkan saya jika ada silap.)

Wednesday 26 December 2012


10.Diamond-Encrusted Custom Nikes


Encrusted with a string of chocolate-colored diamonds of 11 carats along the edge, this Custom Nikes edition claims to be the fame of your feet. Among the fancy and fashion accessories to not only cover but also decorate your feet, this exclusive launch of Nikes costs $50,000. 

9. Nizam Sikandar Jah Slippers: 


With sparkles of rubies and dazzles of diamonds, the slippers of Nizam Sikandar Jah the Indian prince of Hyderabad were the symbol of royalty in the eighteen century. In 2006, these diamond slippers (costing around $160,000) were robbed from the Bata Shoe Museum in Toronto, Canada.

8. Stuart Weitzman’s “Diamond Dream” Stilettos: 


Stuart Weitzman shoe designer joined hands with jeweler Kwiat to make his dream of diamond shoes come true as Stilettos. With 1,420 well-cut Kwiat colorless diamonds set in platinum, the shoes cost an obscene amount of $500,000. At the 2007 Oscars, Anika Noni made all turn their eyes at her steps in “Diamond Dream” on the red carpet 

7. Ruby Slippers from Wizard of Oz


With bugle beads, glass rhinestones and three large red glass jewels in silver settings, Ruby Slippers matches with the most exclusive designer outfit. Wearing these shoes makes your mighty presence felt in parties of highly aristocratic society. It was auctioned for $666,000 in 2000. 

6. Stuart Weitzman Shoes Retro Rose” Pumps: 


Fixed to dusty gold high heels as in the 1940s, Retro Rose features its elegant embellishment. The delicate design of these shoes dazzles with 100 carats of 1,800 Kwiat diamonds. Stuart Weitzman has selected Diablo Cody to set the red carpet of the 2008 Oscar on fire with his one million dollar creation. 

5. Stuart Weitzman “Platinum Guild” Stilettos: 


These strappy stilettos by Stuart Weitzman flaunt 464 Kwiat round and pear shaped diamonds in its platinum make. Laura Harring was the first Cinderella of the designer to display his diamond wonder at the 2002 Oscar Academy Awards. Tagged at $1,090,000, it enhanced her star appearance by multiple times. 

4. Stuart Weitzman Shoes “Ruby Slippers”: 


With 642 oval and round rubies in its possession, Ruby Slippers are designed by Stuart Weitzman to adorn the feet of celebrities from the top of economic heap. With the shine of rubies set in pure platinum, these red satin stilettos claim to be a $1,600,000 craze with well-heeled fashion flaunters. 

3. Stuart Weitzman Shoes Tanzanite Heels: 

Stuart Weitzman collaborated with Le Vian to turn up with two million dollars Tanzanite Heels. These astonishing shoes steal the show with 28 carats of diamonds and well cut 185 carats of quality tanzanite. Encrusted with 595 carats of Kwiat diamonds on platinum, the 4½ inch heels are the most spectacular part of these stilettos. 

2. Rita Hayworth Heels


The most creative of the creations and the most delicate of the designs by Stuart Weitzman, Rita Hayworth Heels flaunts sapphires, rubies and diamonds in its make. Movie legend Rita Hayworth’s a pair of earrings laden with precious jewels are the making of these $3 million satin open toe stilettos. 

1. Wizard of OZ Ruby Slippers: 


Ruby Slippers the most spectacular and splendid slippers in the world are the most accomplished achievement of Ronald Winston, the reputed designer of the House of Harry Winston. The delicacy and beauty of design with 4,600 rubies of 1,350 carats in the make of the shoes leaves the viewers breathless to have a glimpse of them. This $3 million singular creation has adorned the graceful feet of Judy Garland. 
sumber : kaskus.us 

Tuesday 4 December 2012


RESIPI ( bulk recipe, lebih boleh simpan dalam fridge )

500ml susu UHT ( I use dutchlady)
Setengah buku butter
12 keping cheddar cheese
3 sudu besar tepung gandum
2 sudu kecil serbuk pati ayam
lada sulah, lada hitam, perasa & pewarna kuning secukupnya

Cara-cara :

Cairkan butter di atas api kecil menggunakan non stick pan

Masukkan susu dan tepung gandum. Kacau sampai tidak berketul.

Masukkan cheese, pati ayam, lada sulah, lada hitam dan pewarna. Kacau sampai likat. 

Kalau agak-agak pekat sangat, tambahlah air sikit. Apabila mendidih, tutup api.

Siap untuk dihidang.  :-)

p/s : boleh digunakan untuk wedges, hashbrown, nugget dan sebagainya.